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McCain accuses Dems of mocking plumbers
Frank Cotolo
18 Oct 2008
Republican presidential candidate John McCain said an Ohio man dubbed "Joe the Plumber," who questioned Democrat Barack Obama face to face about his tax plan, becoming the star of the third prexy debate, was being smeared by the Democrats.
A McCain spokesman said, "I heard all the plumbing jokes they were telling during today's rallies. And they aren't even new jokes. They said the one about a family's crap being a plumber's bread and butter. And a good flush beats a full house every time. Really, making a mockery out of Joe's occupation is rude and purile."
An Obama spokesman said, "Nothing was meant to demean Joe the Plumber. We also told other profession-related jokes at that rally, so I guess we are also making fun of John the Carpenter, Ed the Electrician and Dandy Dan the Dermatogist?"
However, at the end of the day, it was McCain who picked up the endorsements of The Wood Craftsman Gazette, AC/DC Times and Skin Physicians' Daily News.
Speaking at a rally in Miami, McCain said Joe Wurzelbacher, the plumber was being punished with jokes for asking Obama a legitimate question.
A McCain campaign official said, "Last week, Senator Obama showed up in Joe's driveway to ask for his vote and Joe asked Obama a tough question about taxes. Obama said, 'Hey, you have the same first name as my running mate.' How rude."
The tax question prompted Obama to say he wanted to "spread the wealth around," and Republicans have called that "socialism".
Obama's people came back and said that was nonsense. And then they told five socialism jokes, three that made very little sense but had a crowd laughing because one of the Obama people laughed so hard that coffee came out of his nose.
But McCain ridiculed Obama's remark about spreading the wealth, though he could not come up with a spread-the-wealth joke.
Obama is trying to stunt McCain's appeal in Florida, which has been won by Republicans in the last two Presidential elections.
"We feel," said an Obama campaign official, "that if we can make more old people laugh while McCain, who is an old person, stays stone-faced, we can get the bulk of the old people to vote for Obama. At least those of them who live until Nov. 4."
Joe the Plumber's friend, acting as a spokesman for Joe, who had to leave to fix a toilet at a neighbor's house, said, "A plumber is the only guy I know who can take a leak and then fix it."
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