Toronto Experimental Artists, in association with SRN
Mediaworks and Network 1KX are proud to present an indie showcase under
a summer's night. |
This year's TEA Summer Showcase, planned to happen in July,
will be the second that we at SRN Mediaworks will broadcast. Phillip Hong,
one of the hosts of the 2006 Showcase, will return to
his role as one of the presenters for our interviews and coverage
upstairs along with Liz and Michael Huynh. |
The Rivoli, home to the TEA Summer Showcase since 2006,
is one of the main venues for indie in Toronto. Located near Queen
and Spadina Streets in Downtown Toronto, is the place to be come July. |
TEA Summer Showcase 2009 is tentatively scheduled to be aired
during the summer, with coverage and interviews to start
the night of the concert. |
Tune in and check in here for updates relating to this
"hot summer's event". More details are to be added on as they are finalised. |