Interview: Sons of One
What got this band together and started in this business?
Well, we started back in December 2004 as a band called "Tainted" with the goal of playing covers around the Wichita area. After we started including original material that goal broadened pretty quickly. We still have fun rocking out covers here and there, though!
Who writes and produces all the material for the band?
So far, I've written all our lyrics and have been the main supplier of basic guitar ideas. That said, it's not like I write Jonny's drum parts or Kevin's bass lines and additional parts have come from Sheldon, our old guitarist Moe Girard, and even our producer Brett Hestla. Going forward I'd like to see the writing open up a bit, but I know it'll be hard for me. It's part of growing as a band.
Has the band played in front of or with any acts our readers would know from the mainstream?
Most recently we played a show with Trust Company. Last time I saw them they were opening for Korn, so it was pretty cool to sit and chill with those guys. Super nice, too! We did a show with Janie Lane from Warrant last summer. Other semi-national acts we've played with are Dope, Allele, Hypnogaja, One Less Reason, and The Accident Experiment with Marcos Curiel from P.O.D.
Where can people access your music on the web?
Any embarrassing moments on stage?
We played a show in Topeka where I was so animated I literally put my knee out during the bridge of the last song. I had to yell up at Kevin to sing the last verse and chorus of "21st Century Freedom" while I laid on the stage in agony. I finished the song on guitar, though! There was a birthday party show we did where people bought me a bunch of shots before the last set. I don't remember much past that, but I've heard some horror stories. The other guys seem to be immune to embarrassing moments. Bastards.
Any good stories you want to tell us?
After one show we were all so bagged we forgot to close the trailer. One of us had to speed to get in front of Kevin to stop him as gear kept spilling out of the trailer onto the highway! Luckily, nothing got ruined - but we still have gear with evidence of road rash.
Who are the band's musical influences?
With four different guys, you're going to get four different answers. And each of us will probably think of someone different depending on the day. There are some groups we have in common, though: TOOL, Dark New Day, Alter Bridge, older Metallica, Foo, Breaking Benjamin, Seether. Stuff like that.
What is your musical background like?
Personally, I started at age 8 by begging my parents for piano lessons. Then I got into band at school. I stayed at my first job just long enough to buy myself a guitar and amp for my 16th birthday. After that I quit because I didn't have time for anything else! I was a total thrasher, learning by ear to play Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Anthrax, Testament, Overkill... stuff like that. When I graduated I went to K-State to be a music major and got hired as a lead guitarist for a metal band called D'Ranged. Eventually I quit and went back to school in Wichita and didn't do music publicly for 8 1/2 years until Tainted came along!
What is the top reason why you want to play music?
The feeling we get when we're all locked in on a song. When four guys become one group and create another entity that is the song, that's what it's all about. Of course, there are so many other joys to what we do. Writing. Recording. Playing live. Hanging out and joking around. But that in-song synergy is at the top, to be sure.
How do you get the word out about your music?
Secret strategies! HA. Just kidding... mostly. There are a number of online avenues we use, with MySpace being the most obvious. We still use the tried and true fliers and word of mouth, too.
How is your local response to your music?
We love our people, and our people love us.
Where is the furthest you have travelled for a gig?
Does driving to Orlando and back to record count? We've played a couple shows in the Dallas area. That's probably the farthest distance we've traveled, but we done shows in 4 states and will Nebraska to the list soon.
What tune on the CD are you most proud of?
Probably "Stride". It's probably the best representation of who we are as a band both musically and lyrically.
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