March 2012
Interview: Steve from Smooth Down Under
What got this band together and started in this business?
I started the band in the early part of 2010 after a couple other projects I was working with fell apart. It's grown from being a local Branson nightclub band to now being a regional band with members living in Branson, Springfield and Kansas City.
Who writes and produces all the material for the band?
The bulk of the originals we are currently doing were written by Richard Lee Wilson before he joined us in April of 2011. They have taken on a life of their own though!
Has the band played in front of or with any acts our readers would know from the mainstream?
Not yet with this one, we've just been doing the club circuit from Kansas City down into northwest Arkansas. But when I was on the road back in 1992 and 1993, I opened for Rick Derrenger.
Where can people access your music on the web?
You can find us at That page is linked up with our Facebook fan page, YouTube and Twitter account too!
Any embarrassing moments on stage?
Nothing too notable that can't be laughed off. My most embarrassing stage moment happened in 1985 at The Uptown Theater when I miscalculated the distance from the mic to my amp, and dragged my amp across the stage before it came unplugged.
Any good stories you want to tell us?
We're pretty tame as musicians go... but if you want to make something up, feel free! Any press is good press!
Who are the band's musical influences?
Being a rocking Roadhouse Blues Band, we have been compared to SRV, Jimi Hendrix and Johnny Winter since we have that high energy power trio thing going and cover some of their material.
What is your musical background like?
I started playing bass in the mid 1970s so I tend to draw from the classic rock influences of Ted Nugent, Rush, Cream, etc... fell in love with blues during the 1980s while hitting every open jam I could find just to play live. Eric is more of a Jazz influenced drummer and is our youngest member. He has a degree from CSU Northdrige and is a great solid drummer. Sometimes I think he channels Mitch Mitchell. Richard spent a number of years in the Austin, Texas scene when SRV was hitting big, so he naturally has that Texas roadhouse feel.
Any other members in your family that are musicians?
My oldest brother played anything he could grab and was a natural. I have a sister that noodles with guitar and another brother that plays guitar and has recently started playing bass.
What is the top reason why you want to play music?
I've been doing it most of my life and at 51 years old, I see no reason to stop now!
What has been your best show?
Each show has its high moments so that's a tough call.
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