March 2012
Interview: Richard Cole
What got you started in this business?
I've been interested in music for as long as I can remember. As for starting in the music business, I put my first band together when I was 16.
Who writes and produces all the material?
I write and produce all of the music. I am open to collaborations and other producers should the opportunities come.
Have you played in front of or with any acts our readers would know from the mainstream?
I've played in a band and recorded with PC Munoz. Carolyn Fok produced my earliest studio demos (The track 'Amari' can be heard on MySpace).
Where can people access your music on the web?
Any embarrassing moments on stage?
I recently did a stage reading of a play. It was over two nights. The first night was great. The second night was okay. I lost my script the night before that had all of the changes in it. The next night I have another script minus a key change at the end leading to a huge line I have to deliver. So I'm waiting for the line before mine, that's not supposed to happen. Everyone's looking at me. I'm looking at everyone else like "what"? The next actor jumps in with her line and saves the show, but I miss my moment at the end.
Any good stories you want to tell us?
I had a songwriting partner and keyboard player named Walter Johnson in a group I had called "The Chaotic Beat". One period, we were looking for new members or checking out what other groups were doing. We go to this place "AJ's", which is in a hotel. It was new then. They had this band playing. They were doing a pretty good job of it. We're there and as musicians, we're just watching. Plus back then, we looked liked a cross between Jam and Lewis and Crockett and Tubbs, so the band thinks we're producers or A&R, not just musicians checking out other musicians...
...the interview continues here.
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