A few steps
Phillip Hong
September 13, 2020
I like Woodbridge without the Woodbridgers.
Not intending to offend. For most of my years living in the City of Vaughan, I appreciated how quiet and empty residential streets are when you take a walk at an early enough hour.
For the past few years I neglected walking around my neighbourhood in favour of driving to the local 24-hour gym. Climate controlled with a television. I thought the rowing machine offered a more comprehensive way to stay active. And it's also often empty when it's early enough.
Due to the uncertain times involving radically unknown infectious diseases and germs aplenty, I began to do what my younger inner mind remembers; going outside for a change.
Thanks to the gym membership I managed to walk further than I did when I was younger. The stamina was infectious, until I spotted a skunk minding its own business in front of the Catholic high school. I sprinted away with a giddy fearfulness and laughed it off while heading home.
Where another skunk was waiting intently, directly ouside my front door.
And they said outdoor exercise was safe during this pandemic.
Phillip Hong is a columnist with 148.ca.
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