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Coverage that makes sense.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper has called a federal election for Tuesday, 14 October. Another period of campaigning, promises, attacks and compliments. Are voters happy with the government they voted in last election, or are they ready to move in numbers?
Meanwhile, south of the border, the race for the next President of the United States is heating up. The candidates have been named, their running mates chosen and the campaigns are dealt an unusual hand with the increasingly polarised electorate. Will Barack Obama win on the phrase "Change"? Or is John McCain going to come in with experience?
This is an exciting election season across the continent. Voters are being asked if the status quo is enough for them, and if the economy is as worrisome as some analysts point out. Will people be swayed with the issue of being green? Add wars in Iraq and Afghanistan into the mix and the season sizzles, at least inside the poll stations.
Network 1KX and its member stations will bring you content that will make you think. No "political pundits", or heavyweight principles, but we will provide team coverage and opinions that make sense of it all.
Find out what we have in store within the weeks ahead by visiting this page.
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