Interview: That Killed Crimson
What is your name, and name your group/band/act?
That Killed Crimson
How did the band get the name?
Nicole originally had a solo music project she was working on with a producer called Crimson Heart because Crimson represents the color of passion, love, pain, and blood, and that was the kind of heart she had. Her solo music project got demolished by an ex of hers and therefore she decided to start a band from scratch and call it "That Killed Crimson", meaning that her passion, love, pain, sweat, and blood got demolished; all got killed.
What instrument do you play now?
Nicole has always sang, wrote songs, and played either bass or guitar in bands and even keyboard, sense she was sixteen years old. She plays guitar now and sings and writes songs in That Killed Crimson. Ed has always played guitar, and Kris has always played drums. Riggs was originally a drummer and decided to play bass for That Killed Crimson.
How would you describe your music for the public if they have never seen you before?
We are like something you have never heard before. Our music is different and not for those who only like the trends. It's for the daring not afraid of change.
What has been the biggest challenge for you or the group?
Getting all the band members to do a show. Scheduling basically, with everyone's different personalities.
Everyone loves a celebrity so what advice do you have for the youth of today?
I wish we were celebrities. Haha. The advice I would give to the youth of today is to never give up on your dreams, but at the same time be responsible and never give up education and family and friends for it. Most importantly, don't let anyone tell you that you can't live your dream.
What does your family think of your performance and do they support you?
Nicole's family supports in every way. They let us practice at their house. They go to all the shows. They take our pictures. They video tape us. They believe in us.
Do you have other interests or talents you would like to share with us?
All of us live for music. We breathe it. We don't do anything else.
What has been your strong influence to continue performing?
Nicole wants to be famous really bad and will never give up and when she gets old and she's still not signed she'll still play but wear a mask.
If you had to change one thing about your music/group what do you feel would be the best change to benefit the group overall and why?
Everyone should dress a little cooler and be in shape.
Have you ever had any strange or stalker type fans that you are aware of?
Yes, but I won't mention names.
Tell us about your most embarrassing moment if you care to share it with us?
Nicole was wearing boots and drunk and was on a stage with many levels and didn't realize it had many levels and fell on stage.
What is your wildest story with the group?
We booked a show we were supposed to get paid at and didn't get our money after spending money towards it and got all rowdy where our fans and friends all started arguing with the promoter and all the other bands stopped playing for the night and then we spelled out nasty words on the marquee.
Do you have a website of any type?
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