January 2010
Once on a debut performance at a LA club, the mic cable dropped out of the mic I was using during my opening tune during the first chorus! I just kept right on singing while the sound guy scrambled to fix it. I got a standing ovation.
He retired from office in 1952 and all he and his wife Bess lived on was a U.S. Army pension of $600 a year. The Trumans lived so lean that Harry had to name his hunting rifle after his wife because he could not afford another name.
It (the name of the band) used to be Mutiny, which is a rebellion, and then we added Within because there were too many Mutiny band names in the world. Our debut record will be released in February 2010, touring with Arch Enemy in January.
(File sharing) enables bands to reach a much broader audience, but it makes it impossible for music to be a lucrative endeavor. It's a tolerated crime because of technology. Fans can enjoy it for free, but it's like raping an artist's soul.
Nicole originally had a solo project she was working on with a producer called Crimson Heart because crimson represents the color of passion, love, pain and blood, and that was the kind of heart she had. Her project got demolished by an ex of hers...
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