For the love, and cooking
It was a sunny December of 2007 when Time Warner in San Diego informed me they wanted to air my show as a weekly series. For two years previously Cox Cable in San Diego only aired it intermittently as a special. Therefore, I wasn't too concerned about making a lot of production. However, with Time Warner's interest I decided to start making shows on a timelier basis. Although I was making more shows, I felt stifled since I could only air in San Diego, where I lived, or so I thought...
In November of 2007 I started surfing the Internet and exploiting my new concept for an episode. The concept was an idea so bizarre that none of those commercially sponsored cooking shows would ever dream of duplicating it. We called the show Road Kill. It was supposed to be sort of a spoof, but we grilled up some exotic meats and everyone had a great time. As a result of my promoting the episode I was contacted by one of the Public Access TV Stations in West Virginia asking if I would send them my entire series to air! I was really excited. Considering the situation, I thought other Community/Public Access stations around the world might want to air my show as well. Therefore, in January of 2008 I started researching contact information of Community Access Stations around the world. I sent them samples of my show as well as my hopes and dreams of reaching the world with my concept of Food, Fun and Friends.
I remember those first few days of January. I was sick, I had the flu, couldn't go to work, and the only thing I felt strength enough to do was to send emails to these potential community stations in the hope that 1 or 2 may decide to air my little cooking show. With the lights down, no one likes bright lights when they are ill, I set about my task thinking that my efforts would be fruitless. HEY, I was sick, not feeling well, had nothing else to do; however, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Needless to say, my inbox started to get inundated with requests from around the world for my show. People were actually excited about its concept and wanted to verify that I was going to continue to make new episodes. Well, Grilldog can tell you for sure, that there's no shaking a leg about that kind of support. However positive this seemed, it caused a problem. I had several dozen stations around the world wanting my complete series, and I was sick and still wanted to film new episodes. I'm demented I guess.
With visions of universal domination dancing in my feverish brain, I set sail to send out mass DVDs to stations around the world and increase my production schedule to meet the new demand. All in all, still maintaining my day time job, by the 1st of March 2008 I had accomplished my task and provided the world with my shows as well as continue to write and produce more shows. Plus, by the second week of March I was healthy again, feeling strong and agile and ready to face the world. That made Grillpup happy!
Grilldog, our cooking expert, has been busily working on a new book, featuring delicious recipes from his television show. You can visit him on his own website.
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