July 2011
Interview: Daniel Amedee
What got you started in this business?
That's quite a long story. My own persistence and belief that I could write songs and make it in this industry would be the round about answer but I played with many different people before I realized I was what I needed to succeed and the right people would come to me instead of vice versa. I never stopped writing my own songs and privately developing my own style while playing with other people and when the opportunity came to take a step forward and record my first full length album I took it.
I had at that time a few contacts in the music industry from mild success with other bands but I got approached by Paul Shulver from Expat Records right before I intended to release the album and everything fell perfectly into place.
Who writes and produces all of your material?
I write everything and make rough demos of the songs using midi instruments to get the orchestrations that I want. Then I get professional musicians to play on the songs and that's when they really come to life.
I worked with percussionist Patrick Spurgeon from Rogue Wave on this album and he really brought the drums to another level. It's incredibly important to have a solid, creative drummer. I also worked with choral singer Megaga from Berlin. She came up with some incredible vocal melodies. The finished album was produced by Charles Gonzalez and myself in San Francisco.
Have you played in front of or with any acts our readers would know from the mainstream?
I've never played with any big names but when I was living in Ireland and playing in a band over there I recorded an EP produced by Noel Hogan, the guitar player for the Cranberries. It was an incredible experience.
His studio was at his house in Limerick, Ireland and we would show up and he would be with his kids or running errands, doing normal people things. Then we'd start recording and come lunch time his wife would have sandwiches for us. It was a surreal and incredible experience. He and his family were some of the nicest and most hospitable people I've ever met.
Where can people access your music on the web?
The best place to hear my music is on SoundCloud: My album is also available on iTunes and many other platforms worldwide.
Click here for the rest of the interview.
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