Column Chronicles
Suicide is the ultimate selfie
Frank Cotolo
December 10, 2015
Polls across the world now claim that people believe terminally ill patients should have the legal right to end their own lives. It's called the "Right-to-Die Issue" and it is ruffling the collars of many people.
"It's the ultimate selfie," said a young doctor who grew up as a millennial. "People rely on doctors for everything but when it comes to their lives they should have their own say whether they live or die."
Other professionals have different views. Here are some quotes from professionals about the issue. All quotes are anonymous.
"It's not for a man to decide when he dies, especially if that man is me."
"Assisted suicide is murder and the assistant should be punished to the full extent of the law, which, I guess, is the death penalty."
"On Earth, man is born and dies and he should never know when, or even why for that matter."
"Assisted suicides don't kill people; doctors who perform assisted suicides kill people."
"We have studied that people dying by their own device experience a calm and uneventful demise and such peace is impossible if you continue to live in a high rise."
"I condone an assisted suicide as long as the doctor assisting does not have horns."
What about common people, those of us who live from paycheck to paycheck? Here are some quotes about the issue from the guy and gal on the street.
"We all know we are gonna die eventually, so why can’t we die when we want if eventually is within shouting distance?"
"I would never commit any kind of suicide, no less that kind that needs help."
"I want to die now, can you help?"
"People are cowards no matter how you look at the issue."
"No one asks how much the deal costs, do they? I got news for you, it's not cheap to kill yourself."
No matter how you look at the issue, it will remain a controversial topic as long as the people arguing over it are alive.
Frank Cotolo can be found hosting the talk and interview programme Cotolo Chronicles. You can send him an e-mail at this address:
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