Column Chronicles
Unconfirmed last words from famous people
Frank Cotolo
October 29, 2015
It is common to expect great figures of mankind to say something memorable in their final breaths but it doesn't always happen. Still, last words are attributed to many celebrated people, even though they cannot be documented. We have collected some in this blog for you to be the judge of their authenticity.
Albert Einstein: "I am sorry to leave you like this, with nylons on."
Davy Crockett: "One more bayonet isn't going to kill me any more that I am about to be killed!"
Louis Pasteur: "Someone translate my last words into French, quick, I'm..."
Confucius: "Man who die with nothing to say should expect plenty more silence."
Dian Fossey: "I hated the gorilla hair, really, it was in everything, the food, my underwear..."
Mahatma Gandhi: "I'll have that pork chop now."
Emily Dickenson: "Right about now I'm thinking I should have married that ugly guy from Leeds."
Elvis Presley: "I need a fresh roll of paper in here."
Al Capone: "Someday someone will look behind that wall I built."
Walt Whitman: "What Brooklyn needs is some good barbers."
Jesse Owens: "I wish I could run now."
Amelia Earhart: "Where am I?"
Marco Polo: "My one regret is I could never tell when a Chinese person had jaundice."
Beethoven: "Holy crap, I can hear."
Robert E. Lee: "I hope I wind up on the right side this time."
Jed Lincoln: "No, that was my brother, I am shot in the stomach."
Martha Washington: "Please name a bridge after my husband but not a wooden one."
Frank Cotolo can be found hosting the talk and interview programme Cotolo Chronicles. You can send him an e-mail at this address:
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