Column Chronicles
Foods that will kill you in the long run
Frank Cotolo
March 23, 2017
You don't have to be over 50 years old to give up foods that are no good for you but most people don't know that some of the foods they eat all the time no matter their age are doing very bad things to their innards and over the course of a decade or two or three the damage cannot be undone.
So let me tell you what to stop eating all together, whether you are 16 or 116, the latter being highly unlikely no matter how well you eat.
1. Cold Cuts - These meats are processed, meaning they are filled with nitrates, smoke, salt, sugar and stuff used to preserve them so that they can be sold months after they are made. All of those additives are not lethal but in large doses and put together between two pieces of bread (a sandwich) a lot of them gather in your blood and coagulate into, well, there is no other way to say it: CANCER.
2. Vegetable Oil - This name is misleading because you cannot make oil from vegetables. No one knows how companies making this liquid get away with calling it vegetable oil when it should be called Fatty Acid Oil or Industrial Toxic Oil or Omega 6 Oil, named after things that are sickening.
3. White Flour - Bread, doughnuts and other products made with white flour all have white flour in them, meaning tons of elements like zinc, chromium and stuff that sounds like the dust you scrape off of metal.
4. Instant Soup - Let's make this short, just stop eating anything that is easily made by adding hot water.
5. Barbequed food - Well, America, it is time to stop the great institution of cooking over coals during warm months and on summer holidays because it has been proven that this kind of grilling often creates chemicals that you wouldn't give an animal if you were putting it down. Not only may these chemicals cause - there's no other way to say it CANCER - but while they may be doing that they are acting as carcinogenic agents, the worst kind of agents you need in your body to perpetuate life.
There are other foods that should be eliminated from your diet but these are the ones you should quit eating first.
What foods, you may ask, will I replace these foods that I stop eating? You don't have to own a degree in nutrition to see what is good for you to eat. Look at the ingredients of food to choose your healthy foods and remember that when you pick up a head of broccoli the only ingredients you will see is broccoli. If you were to pick up a head of broccoli and see a label that showed it had extra contents, like colic acid, bipostoid stimulators, calcium grainulates and other strange elements, you would toss it across the room, wouldn't you?
So get to it and eat healthy for a long life that will allow you to use your muscles into your 90s.
Frank Cotolo can be found hosting the talk and interview programme Cotolo Chronicles. You can send him an e-mail at this address:
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