Column Chronicles
Son of Confucius, part five
Frank Cotolo
August 30, 2018
Here is more text from the works of Confucious, Jr., a man who demanded to be known publicly as the direct ascendant of his namesake, the perennially quoted Chinese philosopher of the Spring and Autumn period in China, in 477 B.C.
The self-named Confucius, Jr. began to publish hundreds of works that were lost in a wave of public disinterest. The works were found only recently in an archeological dig that discovered the burial site of Kong Li, the first child of Confucius.
He who will not economize will epitomize or rationalize.
All great glory may fail to impress others but who cares then?
The superior man does not forget that danger will come his way and some day knock him down to size but even inferiority cannot hold back the superior man.
When anger surfaces, consider the taste of a knuckle sandwich.
Ignorance is darkness; intelligence is lightness, sort of like night and day.
Whether you slow down or slow up you are not going anywhere fast.
How does one know when circumstances are not manageable, when situations are not circumstances and only the way things turn out become the result?
Study the past to know what has been done and look into the future to find out what will be done, though the latter requires a good guess at best.
Those who are most funny are laughable.
Though a mountain is high and mighty no man can carry it on his back.
Wherever you go, that's where you are at the moment.
To be wrong is common for us all, especially the stupid ones.
Silence sparkles and glitters when you are sick of noise.
The way out is through the door, yet some choose a window and others try to go right through the wall. Go figure.
Frank Cotolo can be found hosting the talk and interview programme Cotolo Chronicles. You can send him an e-mail at this address:
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