Column Chronicles
Advanced brain scramblers
Frank Cotolo
February 20, 2020
Who does not love a good riddle? Now and again we will host some fun but perplexing tests of our readers' mental abilities with good, old-fashioned brain scramblers. We warn you, these are tough. Write to us for the answers.
I am made of wood from a certain tree. There is nothing you can do with my left side but my right side sets fire easily and two thirds of me smell awful. What am I?
Two men leave a train station at the same time but neither get onto trains. Where are they going?
Ten red bricks cannot break me. Fifteen baskets filled with fruit are what I eat for breakfast. I was never in politics but I was voted the best of them all and when there is no sunlight only I am able to see. Who am I?
Born in October, but not the month's middle, I was taught to use my toes to play a fiddle. There were others in my field, but their wounds never healed. Who am I?
Three people take a bus from point A to point B. To what point is the third person taking a bus? Hint - it is not point C.
A woman buys four pounds of potatoes, two meters of peas, a haddock, a head of lettuce and a dozen eggs. What meal does she want to cook?
What number, when divided by 63, equals the length of a fencing sword and has the shape of a bowling pin?
I stick out often, no matter how much you try to stuff me away. There are two horns on me, neither of which is a musical instrument. You can learn to play with me but not near me and unless you jump very high, you cannot see me. What am I?
It is not animal, vegetable or mineral, so what is it?
A priest, a rabbi and two construction men walk to meet a mechanic, a mailman and a trapeze artist. The priest, rabbi and two construction men are walking at two-tenths-miles-an hour. How long will it take for them as a trio to meet the mechanic, mailman and trapeze artist, if the mechanic, mailman and trapeze artist are going to change the spot where they are located every four minutes?
Frank Cotolo can be found hosting the talk and interview programme Cotolo Chronicles. You can send him an e-mail at this address:
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