Column Chronicles
The continuation of Larry King-like journalism
Frank Cotolo
February 25, 2021
After years of retirement and with the demise of major syndicated newspaper material, Larry King's newspaper column is gone. I continue to attempt to convince struggling newspapers that a King-like column, filled only with his brief and timely thoughts, could still be popular. Again this year, I offer intermittent blog King-like column items that inform, entertain and honor Mr. King's journalistic jingo.
Elon Musk doesn't sound like a man who builds rockets, he sounds like a man whose name adorns a manly aftershave.
I get a kick out of that Ricky Gervais when he talks about dogs being more human than humans.
I've had a few heart attacks in my time and I sure think it’s great to be able to write about and tell people I've had a few heart attack in my time.
Did you notice that actors that win big awards, Oscars even, forget serious acting afterwards and become movie super heroes?
Maybe one big problem in American politics is that there aren't enough members of the Supreme Court.
Recently I interviewed football icon Joe Namath. What a guy. He played and won professional football games with bad knees and poor physical health. He had to stop playing for fear of being hit so bad he could be crippled. He's seventy-six now and he looks great. I'm eighty-six but I never got knocked around like he did in professional football games.
I sure hope the predictors of another Stock Market crash this year are wrong.
I like Broadway musicals but I don't know what to think about Alexander Hamilton and other forefathers jumping around the stage singing Rap songs.
Is it just me or are there people who don't have Netflix?
Cars that drive themselves may never be more dangerous than drunk human beings at the wheel.
How come PETA never complains about bull riding?
What kind of stores are there left that sell desk staplers?
I try to do forty push-ups every morning. You heard right, I try.
Frank Cotolo can be found hosting the talk and interview programme Cotolo Chronicles. You can send him an e-mail at this address:
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