Column Chronicles
Public advice from the Dalai Wally
Frank Cotolo
September 29, 2022
For the first time published anywhere, we offer advice for living from the spiritual source, the Dalai Wally. The great secluded sage granted the following words of wisdom to our readers.
If the people in your neighbourhood are rich, it will do the common good no good unless they link their financial success with their neighbours. Specifically, if they put large bills into envelopes and place them in locals' mailboxes.
There should be no segregation between men and women. In fact, the closer the better.
Taking a vow of chastity should never be by choice.
We puny humans tend to think with our brains. Avoid such thinking. The key is to use your pointing finger and guide the eyes of others.
There never was a thing that could not die that did not live first.
The best medicine tastes sour. Nothing sweet heals. Nothing gamy can digest into health. And tainted stools are strong warnings.
If our words say what is true, it is more important that someone listen. Keep your words short and never try to pronounce and exclamation point.
Assist others but never be content to do it with gifts of gold. Remember that these days silver is spiking.
If I told you to pray, would you say you won't because you are not spiritual or that your prayers won't be heard? Yet, if I told you to sing a Kenny Rogers song, I know you would, because you are a slave to country pop.
Many around you will be of greater intellect. Most in love with you will show it with behaviour. Everyone who meets you, even casually, will.
Jealousy should not be confused with Jeopardy. Though one can lead to another and each may be justified, the jewels of justice are germane to the genuine and the jerks.
Be that as it may, it may be just that.
Frank Cotolo can be found hosting the talk and interview programme Cotolo Chronicles. You can send him an e-mail at this address:
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