Column Chronicles
More Brain Scramblers
Frank Cotolo
November 17, 2022
Brain Scramblers are not so much intelligence challenges as they are fun for anyone who could tell the difference between an apple and a buzz saw. So here are some more to put your general observations to the test. Share them with some friends but please, no wagering.
I can be dipped in a sauce or a spread but to be eaten is dangerous. There are two sides to me that are rough as nails and yet I cannot puncture the thinnest off objects. What am I?
If you were to have a fire in your house and firemen came to put it out, each fireman would be wearing me. I can be any color, any shape and I am deep enough to carry some of your groceries. In severe heat I cannot melt; in snow I cannot be found and in all honesty, I am downright stupid to own. What am I?
If you take all the days in a month and divide them by the number of bank holidays in a year, then subtract thirty from that number and add the number of letters in the month that you were born, what number would I be?
Joe gets on a train with Lenore at one o’clock in the morning. Lenore has not slept in fifteen hours but wants to stay awake for the ten-hour train ride. Joe falls to sleep as soon as the train leaves the station, even though he slept for many hours the night before. Joan struggles to stay away, cursing Joe for being able to sleep and for not caring about seeing all the great sights from their cheap train seats. How long have Joe and Lenore been married?
If a surgeon begins a heart transplant that usually takes a dozen hours to perform, how much longer than the usual time it takes to perform the surgery if the surgeon is distracted by passing a kidney stone?
I am a flying object only if I am thrown. I am thrown at things someone hates, though I never crack into pieces when hitting the object head on. My shape is meaningless. My color changes when I am soaking in salt water and I cannot be placed in a pants pocket without tweezers. If that's not enough, picture me on a bicycle for two with a green handlebar moustache that needs trimming. What am I?
Frank Cotolo can be found hosting the talk and interview programme Cotolo Chronicles. You can send him an e-mail at this address:
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