Column Chronicles
Nostradamus, Jr.
Frank Cotolo
December 15, 2022
He is a son of a son of a son, et cetera of the French reputed seer. We are fortunate to have him make predictions for 2023.
All nations of the world send emissaries to Egypt, where they commit to helping one another produce artificial water in case of a global shortage.
Mature humans construct a language the population of every country will understand, but only until smart alecks add slang to it.
The price of submarines rises so high that no nation is able to buy any without a bank loan.
Novels by Ernest Hemingway are only available to buy using cyber currency.
The borders of Switzerland will begin to shrink.
In August, all of the world’s scientists search for days until they find a way to share an apartment in New Jersey.
The Windsor family runs out of DNA.
NASA changes the name of Perseverance, its Mars rover, to Our Mars Rover.
The search for the tomb of an unknown Pharaoh is discontinued.
Pope Francis becomes the first Pope to walk on the Moon.
By the end of the year 2023, the Tropic of Cancer will begin to wiggle.
A disease that goes viral but is not a virus eliminates curiosity from its victims.
There comes a king named Formaldehyde and a queen named Persnickety and they will rule three-quarters of the Earth with strict rules that include banning the wearing of black socks, heavy metal songs longer than fifty-three seconds, frozen pancakes, alternate-side-of-the-street parking, Pickleball, edible knitting, pogo sticks, piled bodies photography and offensive fruit.
Frank Cotolo can be found hosting the talk and interview programme Cotolo Chronicles. You can send him an e-mail at this address:
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