Column Chronicles
More rejected fortunes in cookies
Frank Cotolo
May 4, 2023
Fortune cookie manufacturers have editors and many of the fortunes written are rejected for many reasons. We have swept the floor of the fortune cookie writers room and gatheres fortunes that did not make it into cookies. Here are some:
No one you know will interupt something you do not know you are doing sometime today.
Loves of your life return to confront you and you need to listen because your life depends upon it.
Your ordinary daily routine will be disrupted by something out of the ordinary, which is how you notice it.
Beware of numbers over ten.
Check your finances and find that there is more than you thought. Later you are accused of stealing money.
A distant relative becomes a neighbor, distancing the relative no more.
There are dangerous moments ahead, each having to do with swords, dragons and lucky frogs.
Love is the answer. It is up to you to find the question.
Before you leave the house, see that all of your clothes are protected by mothballs.
Happy birthday (save this if today is not your birthday and look at it on your next birthday).
Give to a charity today and tell everyone you know to do the same or else they are no longer your friend.
Wise is a person for whom gratitude is thankful.
Do not do unto others what others would not do unto you.
Savor the smiles of ones you love before they turn on you.
Be happy you're alive. The alternative is not thrilling.
The son brings to the father what the mother cannot clean.
Frank Cotolo can be found hosting the talk and interview programme Cotolo Chronicles. You can send him an e-mail at this address:
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