Frank Cotolo
October 17, 2024 |
Rip, Rolly, Ricky and Smug - The Spaniels - paid little attention to the violence their live shows
stimulated but it caught on and the paying crowds increased by the millions. A pop music publication
wrote: "Though The Spaniels music stinks and the quartet never plays a song more than once - because
they make up everything as they go along and pay no attention to one another when performing - their
following is humungous."
A fan attending a concert said, "A Spaniels show is the only kind that allows violence and that
kind of expression has been denied to audiences for decades." Another said, "Couples hating one
another go to Spaniels' shows to release their inner angst, especially when the group plays slow
What began as an audience attacking the band turned into audiences inspired to beat up one another
and loving it. One critic called the groups' music "fight rock because it strikes chords that make
listeners strike one another."
Rip, Rolly, Ricky and Smug began to live off ticket sales that broke records for every live music
act in history. Fight rock went commercial. Every product and service company wanted to target, so
to speak, their following. "A concert movie was written for us with a billion dollar budget," said
Smug "and it grossed more than any movie and won twenty Oscars".