Column Chronicles
Mastering the limerick
Frank Cotolo
September 12, 2013
The limerick is a form of poem that was made popular by Court Jesters in the days of monarchy. It has a specific meter to it and usually ends with a resolute line.
The meter goes like this:
Da da da da da da da da
Da da da da da da da da
Da da da da da
Da da da da da
Da da da da da da da da
Sometimes it can be varied but the classic form usually works best.
I studied limericks in college, while others concentrated on subjects that could offer them a good living. I became so adept at writing limericks that when it was time for my senior final exams I answered each question with a limerick. Though I received praise for my effort, I failed all the exams and did not graduate.
But I am having the last laugh because my essay on limericks is getting published, while the students who graduated have never known the thrill of a receiving a byline.
Here are just a few of the zillions of limericks I have written over the past few decades. Feel free to memorize them but please always give me credit as their author so that one day, if a law is passed to get royalties on these suckers, I can quit my job at the supermarket bagging groceries.
I once knew a man from Seville
Who was very much grist for the mill
He handed me plants
To grow in my pants
But it did not give me a thrill.
*   *   *
There was a young lady from Haiti
Who wanted to see Warren Beatty
But all she could do to make it come true
Was a little too little and too latey.
*   *   *
I am a solider from Brazil
Who cannot stop to just stand still

I dance like a devil

With a hammer and a level
But never get near an electric drill
*   *   *
If I built a house in Peru
I would hardly know what to do
I could hire a maid
Who would never get paid
Or convert and become a Jew
Frank Cotolo can be found hosting the talk and interview programme Cotolo Chronicles. You can send him an e-mail at this address:

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